Jaws Newsletter 2:27

9 Jul 2024 by Jill Schlenker

Hey Jaws,
Only a couple of announcements this week.

1. This is our second to last week of swimming this summer. Thank you all for your participation in Jaws.
2. We will be having a winter season we normally start late fall. Flyers will be going out to the schools and as participates of Jaws you will also receive a email about the season starting.
3. As next week is our “Championship” week we normally only have practice open to the state qualifiers. However, this season we are opening up practice to everyone. Please note because it is the championship week practice may not be as long as they normally are as we will be primarily working on the events and items for the state qualifiers. Watch next weeks news letter for updated times if needed.

Happy Swimming everyone!

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