Jaws Newsletter 2:20

11 Mar 2024 by Jill Schlenker

Hey Jaws,
Well it is already here the final week of the winter Jaws season! This season has been incredible. We celebrated our 60th year as part of the community, we had 4 state qualifiers, we had 29 total athletes in Jaws and we had many milestones and successes reached. And we could not have done that without any of you being a part of Jaws.

The board would like to celebrate that success by hosting a end of the season banquet/potluck on Saturday March 23rd from 5:30 to 7:30pm at St. Paul’s Methodist Church. We would like all Jaws families to RSVP using this link even if they are not able to attend. IF you are able to attend we will ask that you bring something to share with others. Once you sign up an email will be sent to you with a link of where to sign up to bring something to share. (This is for all training groups, including little fins.) https://www.jamestownjaws.com/event-details/jaws-end-of-season-banquet

This week at practice; in water practice will be for State Qualifiers only. If you have ordered pictures and have paid for them you can stop by at the beginning of practice to pick them up. Practice this week will be from 6:30pm to 8pm Monday through Wednesday and Thursday going from 6:30pm to 7:30pm.

If there are any questions or concerns about any thing please do not hesitate to contact coach Jill.

Have an Awesome week Jaws. Swim Fast and Always have fun!

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