Jaws Newsletter 2:17

19 Feb by Jill Schlenker

Hey Jaws,
Just a few announcements….

1. Congratulations to the amazing swims by Austin and Harper this weekend. They dropped time in almost all their events and look to have had a great time.

2. Because our focus for the last 3/4 weeks of Jaws will be on 11 & older athletes to help our coaches plan practice better, please use the RSVP on the practices. To do this go to the practice tab, select a day and indicate if your athlete will be coming or not or if they might come.

3. There is one meet available to sign up for as all the rest or intersquad meets and we are not eligible to attend is in Fargo on March 9th and 10th. If you wish to attend this meet please make sure to sign up for the meet as soon as possible.

4. If your athlete has qualified for the 11 & older state meet and will be attending that please make sure to sign up for that as soon as possible as well .

5. Photos will be ready for pick up soon so please keep a look out for those soon. We will post here as well as on our social media pages when they will be available to pickup at practice.

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