Jaws Newsletter 2:14

29 Jan 2024 by Jill Schlenker

Hi Jaws!
First I would like to thank you all for your help at our home swim meet, we never could have had one without all of your help and we look forward to our next home meet. We are working on hosting a meet March 10th it is a Sunday and will be a one day meet. Right now we are working on getting officials lined up but once that is completed we will start asking for your help again with the timing or some of the concession stand items.

Next the deadline to register for the Moorhead Meet on the 10th is tomorrow at Noon. Please note…
We put this meet out there for registration and then released that we will not have any coaches available to attend. You are still more than welcome to attend but again no coaches will be there. If you have already registered for the meet and do not wish to attend because there will not be a coach there please let us know and we will issue you a refund. However, we need to know this information by noon tomorrow as well.

Reminder it is team photos tomorrow! We would love for everyone to either wear their new red Jaw shirts or wear a read shirt of any kind. We will start individual shots at 6:45pm and do the group shot around 7:30 pm. If you would like an individual shot please be at the pool by 6:45pm. If you do not want an individual shot we do ask that you come for the group shot. Please be at the pool by 7:20 so we can get everyone lined up. We will have order forms for the photos soon.

We will not be getting into the pool at all tomorrow night so once we are done with the group shot and your individual shot you are free to leave for the night.

Have a great week Jaws!

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